Languages.Org.Au - Hindi

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Why learn Hindi | Guides, online courses and tutorial sites | Reference News and current affairs

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Why learn Hindi

Hindi is the first language of more than 340 million people according to Babbel, while according to Vistawide, it has 370 million native speakers. It is an official language of India and Fiji and is also widely spoken in Nepal. Spoken Hindi is closely related to Urdu, although the script differs. Hindi provides access to a rich and ancient culture, including spirituality, music, art and film. It is spoken in many other locations where there are communities of Indian origin, including Australia.

Guides, online courses and tutorial resources

These are listed alphabetically.


Online sources to look up words and phrases – a quick option is to run a Google search with the required expression in English followed by the words "in Hindi", eg accommodation in Hindi, then select from sources (some of which also provide an audio version of the Hindi) such as the ones listed below (listed here alphabetically).

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