Languages.Org.Au - Home
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ISO 693-3 international domain name codes for languages have been used in the top navigation bar to maximise visibility of links on small portable devices. For more information, see the SIL ISO 693-3 page.
About Languages.Org.Au 
Languages.Org.Au was a resource for learners of languages, managed by the Canberra Academy of Languages. The resources were free for educational use, with acknowledgement of the source URL. CAL is no longer delivering language programs, so there are no ongoing updates on Languages.Org.Au, and web hosting will finish in 2024.
Organisational contacts 
Selected organisational contacts for languages are listed alphabetically below. Links to useful resources will be added over time. Please contact Languages.Org.Au if you have suggestions.
ACARA learning areas – languages – The Australian Curriculum: Languages is designed to enable all students in Australia to learn a language in addition to English.
ACT Bilingual Education Alliance – The ACT Bilingual Education Alliance (ACTBEA) is a local non-profit community group that celebrates and promotes multilingualism in the Canberra region.
AIATSIS map of Indigenous Australia – From the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. "For thousands of years, the original inhabitants of Australia, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples occupied the lands with very different boundaries than today, centred on intimate cultural relationships with the land and sea ..."
Australian Curriculum: Languages (F–10 only) – The Australian Curriculum: Languages is designed to enable all students to engage in learning a language in addition to English. The design of the Australian Curriculum: Languages recognises the features that languages share as well as the distinctiveness of specific languages.
Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers' Associations (AFMLTA) – Integral to high quality languages teaching and learning is the role of the Languages educator. As the peak body for Languages educators in Australia, the AFMLA is entrusted with leadership of language teachers' associations in states and territories.
Canberra Region Languages Forum – The Canberra Region Languages Forum was established to facilitate discussion among the many stakeholders in Canberra and the surrounding region who are interested in promoting languages and language learning.
Education Perfect (formerly Language Perfect) – EP for School, EP for Home, EP for Work; an online learning tool designed to "revolutionise learning outcomes and teacher productivity around the world".
Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes (FIPLV) – The Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes (International Federation of language Teacher Associations), founded in Paris in 1931, is the only international multilingual association of teachers of languages. It has Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) ‘official partner’ status with UNESCO and has representation as an NGO with the Council of Europe. .
ISO 639-3 – ISO 639-3 is a set of codes that defines three-letter identifiers for all known human languages. SIL International has been designated as the ISO 639-3/RA for the purpose of processing requests for these language codes comprising the International Standard. ISO (pronounced "I-SO", not "I-ESS-O") is the International Organization for Standardization. See also the ISO story.
Language Learning Space – this is a digital space with learning resources developed by Education Services Australia (ESA) for Chinese, Indonesian and Japanese, for use by teachers and students; access is through the National Digital Learning Resources Network (NDLRN) via Scootle.
Languages Online – Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria, Australia: free resources for language teachers and students. The website has an app available for download to use with iOS, Android and Windows. There are resources for Chinese, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Macedonian, Spanish, Turkish and ESL.
List of official languages – a list of official, or otherwise administratively-recognized, languages of sovereign countries, regions, and supra-national institutions.
Modern Language Teachers' Association of the ACT (MLTA ACT) – The role of the MLTA is to promote language learning in the ACT by providing a voice for language teachers and to facilitate professional dialogue among ACT colleagues and with colleagues in other jurisdictions.
TIS contacts in Canberra and district for Languages other than English – ACT Smart ACT Government: To speak to someone in a language other than English please telephone the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) 131 450.
University Languages Portal Australia – Do you want to study a language at university? Search by language or search by university. Also available here: Why study languages? Where can I study an Australian Indigenous language? Can I study a language taught at a university other than my own? Have another question on languages? Check out our FAQ section.
Schools of languages 
These are listed alphabetically.
- ACT Community Language Schools Association
- Alice Springs Languages Centre
- Canberra Academy of Languages
- Community Languages Australia
- Darwin Languages Centre
- New South Wales School of Languages
- Open Access College (South Australia)
- South Australian School of Languages
- Victorian School of Languages
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Resources for language learning
Managed by the Canberra Academy of Languages
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