Languages.Org.Au – CAL Tamil 2020-S1

Languages.Org.Au HomeTamil → CAL Tamil 2020-S1

On this page

Naming source for tabs in top navigation bar

Naming source for tabs in the top navigation bar on this website: ISO 693-3 language codes.

For more information, see the SIL ISO 693-3 page.

ISO 693-3 international domain name codes for languages have been used in the top navigation bar to maximise visibility of links on small portable devices.

Unit outlines and term overviews

Continuing Tamil

Continuing Tamil Unit Outline 2020-S1 [posted on 16/02/2020, updated 16/06/2020]
Continuing Tamil Overview 2020-Q1 [posted on 16/02/2020, updated 8/9/2020]
Continuing Tamil Overview 2020-Q2 [posted on 22/04/2020, updated 8/9/2020]

Assessment item descriptions

These will be posted ahead of scheduled assessment tasks and will be updated if and when there are changes.

AT1 Advice for the listening assessment task
AT2 Advice for the reading assessment task
AT3 Advice for the speaking assessment task
AT4 Advice for the writing assessment task

Assessment rubrics

Assessment rubrics for Canberra Academy of Languages programs are located on the Assessment Rubrics section of the Programs page on CAL website.

Last updated

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Resources for language learning
Managed by the Canberra Academy of Languages