List 4 - Times and dates
Languages.Org.Au Home → French → French Language → Times and datesIn your travels and during your stay in any French-speaking setting, it will be very helpful if you can understand and talk about times and dates.
Talking about the time
There is an informal and a formal way to talk about the time in French. Basically, the informal one is like conversational English - "half past two" etc. In formal language, the French use the 24-hour clock and therefore there is no need for "am", "pm", "in the evening" or other expressions when discussing timetables etc. Official times in French, including school and transport schedules, as well as business and office opening times, are normally given using formal times.l'heure | the time |
quelle heure est-il? | what time is it? |
il est une heure | it's one o'clock |
il est deux heures (note the "s" for plural) | it's two o'clock |
il est deux heures et quart | it's a quarter past two |
il est deux heures et demie | it's half past two |
il est trois heures moins le quart | it's a quarter to three |
à sept heures du matin | at seven in the morning |
à quatre heures de l'après-midi | at four in the afternoon |
à six heures du soir | at six in the evening |
quatorze heures (14h) | 2 pm (formal time on 24 hour clock) |
dix-sept heures (17h) | 5 pm (formal time on 24 hour clock) |
le matin | morning |
l'après-midi | afternoon |
le soir | evening |
la soirée (eg "une soirée au restaurant" | evening viewed as a period of time containing events etc (eg "an evening at the restaurant") |
Talking about the date
Except for the first of the month, French just uses the number for the date (eg "two, three"), not its ordinal form "second", "third". So you say "le premier septembre", but the next day is "le deux septembre" and the last day of the year is "le trente et un décembre. See List 1 for the numbers in French. Another contrast with English: the days and months are written with a lower case initial letter in French (eg lundi = Monday).le jour | day | janvier | January |
la semaine | week | février | February |
le mois | month | mars | March |
l'an / l'année | year | avril | April |
lundi | Monday | mai | May |
mardi | Tuesday | juin | June |
mercredi | Wednesday | juillet | July |
jeudi | Thursday | août | August |
vendredi | Friday | septembre | September |
samedi | Saturday | octobre | October |
dimanche | Sunday | novembre | November | décembre | December |
The seasons - les saisons
l'été / en été | summer / in summer |
l'automne / en automne | autumn / in autumn |
l'hiver / en hiver | winter / in winter |
printemps / au printemps | spring / in spring |
Daily routine - la routine quotidienne / le quotidien
Many verbs relating to daily routine are reflexive verbs (des verbes pronominaux) in French. Any action done to oneself (such as washing hands, brushing teeth) is in this category. Also reflexive are actions such as getting up, as opposed to raising something (contrast se lever - to get up; lever la main - to raise one's hand).aller au lit | to go to bed |
balayer | to sweep |
se brosser les cheveux/les dents | to brush one's hair/teeth |
se coucher | to go to bed |
faire la lessive | to do the washing (laundry) |
faire la vaisselle | to do the washing up |
s'habiller | to get dressed |
se laver les mains | to wash one's hands |
se lever | to get up |
se macquiller | to put on make-up |
passer l'aspirateur | to do the vaccuuming |
prendre une douche | to take a shower / have a shower |
prendre le petit déjeuner / le déjeuner (prendre le repas de midi) / le dîner | to have breakfast / lunch / dinner (note the use of "take" not "have" in French) |
quitter la maison | to leave the house |
regarder la télé | to watch tv |
passer l'aspirateur | to do the vaccuuming |
se réveiller | to wake up |
Expressions of time
un an | a year |
après | after |
l'après-midi | afternoon |
aujourd'hui | today |
avant | before |
demain | tomorrow |
de temps en temps | from time to time |
ensuite | next |
hier | yesterday |
le lendemain | the next day |
maintenant | now |
le matin | morning |
le mois | month |
(et) puis | (and) then |
quelquefois | sometimes |
la semaine | week |
le soir | evening |
souvent | often |
la veille | the day before |
un an - une année
un jour - une journée
un matin - une matinée