Languages.Org.Au - Arabic

Languages.Org.Au Home → Arabic

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Why learn Arabic | Guides, online courses and tutorial sites | Reference News and current affairs

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Why learn Arabic

Arabic is the first language of more than 300 million people according to sources such as, and it is an official language in more than 20 countries. In 14 of these, all in the Middle East and North Africa, it is the sole official language. It is also spoken as a second or additional language by several hundred million people throughout the world. It is the language of the Quran. There are several major dialects or variants of the language, the main ones in terms of numbers of speakers in the modern era being Egyptian and Maghrebi. Arabic culture is rich and diverse. Study of Arabic provides insight into traditions and beliefs of Islam, the religion with the second-largest number of adherents in the world and a significant global presence, including the Australasian region.

Guides, online courses and tutorial resources

These are listed alphabetically.


Online sources to look up words and phrases – a quick option is to run a Google search with the required expression in English followed by the words "in Arabic", eg accommodation in Arabic, then select from sources (some of which also provide an audio version of the Arabic) such as the ones listed below (listed here alphabetically).

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