List 1 - Meeting, greeting, introducing yourself

Languages.Org.Au HomeFrenchFrench Language → Meeting, greeting, introducing yourself

Basic phrases

Bonjour hello
Au revoir good bye
Salut hi/bye
Ça va? How are you going?
Oui, ça va I'm fine
Comment allez-vous? How are you?
Je vais bien, merci; Bien, merci I'm well, thanks
Comment t'appelles-tu? (informal)
Comment vous appelez-vous? (formal)
What's your name?
Je m'appelle My name is
Quel âge as-tu? How old are you?
J'ai quatorze ans I'm fourteen
Où habites-tu? Where do you live?
J'habite à Canberra, en Australie I live in Canberra, in Australia
Je vous présente I'd like you to meet
Enchanté de vous (te) connaître Pleased to meet you

Notes on these phrases

  1. Bonjour and au revoir are more formal than salut, which is used more among friends. Salut can be used both for saying "hi" when coming across someone and when saying "bye" to them. We don't have an equivalent in English.
  2. Ça va? is an informal way of saying Comment allez-vous? Reply according to which one has been used by the person talking to you.
  3. Notice the use of tuas the informal "you" and vousas the more formal one. Adults generally use tu in talking to children, and children or young people usually use vous to adults apart from family and friends.
  4. In French, one talks about "having" an age, not "being" an age, and the word for "years" (ans) is used in the answer.
  5. Note the two words used here for "in" - à for a city or town; en for a country (if the country is grammatically feminine - see also List 2).

Related words: Numbers

Useful for saying how old someone is; times and dates; timetables and schedules; money transactions; setting a rendez-vous; booking for events and travel; and understanding street addresses.
1 un 11 onze 21 vingt et un 10 dix 31 trente et un
2 deux 12 douze 22 vingt-deux 20 vingt 32 trente-deux
3 trois 13 treize 23 vingt-trois 30 trente 71 soixante et onze
4 quatre 14 quatorze 24 vingt-quatre 40 quarante 72 soixante-douze
5 cinq 15 quinze 25 vingt-cinq 50 cinquante 81 quatre-vingt-un
6 six 16 seize 26 vingt-six 60 soixante 82 quatre-vingt-deux
7 sept 17 dix-sept 27 vingt-sept 70 soixante-dix 91 quatre-vingt-onze
8 huit 18 dix-huit 28 vingt-huit 80 quatre-vingt 92 quatre-vingt-douze
9 neuf 19 dix-neuf 29 vingt-neuf 90 quatre-vingt-dix 101 cent un
10 dix 20 vingt 30 trente 100 cent 0 zéro

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